Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Simultaneous in Competitive and Cooperative â⬠MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Simultaneous in Competitive and Cooperative. Answer: Introduction: Decision-making is the most important step that is required to be undertaken while managing the organizational growth. The decisions that are being taken in the planning process help the organization in fixing goals based on the requirements of the organization. The basic criteria of the decision making programs helped in understanding the importance of the concepts of taking the rightful decisions (Hartman, DesJardins and MacDonald 2014). Decisions that are being undertaken by the organization ensures the improvement of the organizational situation, which is based on the common goal. The theories of the management are applied to the practical environments in order to make the students understand the ethics of the proper decision-making. The evaluation of the issues faced by the organizational system is an important step that must be undertaken by the manager before undertaking a decision. The session helped in understanding the values of proper decision-making and the impacts of the decisions taken by the organization on its progress. The progress of the organization is a basic requirement in order to make the organization sustainable (Popovi?b et al. 2012). Therefore, decision-making helps in the organizational progress and thereby supports sustainability. The approach of the organization is again an important step that must be considered in order to measure the improvements undertaken by the organization. The importance of decision making in the management of the organization is being portrayed in the first week of the session. It also emphasized on the situations that involves the effective decision making programs in order to undertake the effective organizational progress. Making Decisions Involving Multiple Objectives The decisions undertaken by the manager or the leader of the organization is to ensure the change that is being undertaken by the organization. The change in the organizational structure helps in determining the sustainable approach of the organization. Making decisions from a variety of options is the greatest challenge that the manager and the leaders of the company face (Schmoldt et al. 2013). It is because the available options seem to be appropriate for the issue that is being faced by the organization. The objectives of the organization affect the decisions that are being undertaken by the organization. The decisions help in achieving the common goals of the organization. Therefore, it creates an impact on the organizational structure. The involvement of the Lexicographic rule and the other models like the Elimination by aspects and the Sequential decision making helps the leader in taking the most viable decisions in favor of the organization (Masini and Menichetti 2012). It helps in the progression of the organization in the respective fields. It helps the organization in adhering to the requirements of change. The rules that were taught in the sessions have helped in the understanding of the steps that are included in order to examine the kind of progress that the company requires. The manager considers the change based on the requirements of the progress. The progress is being planned on the basis of the objective of the organization to meet up to the expectations of the consumers. The adoption of the theories helps in making the most of the changes in the organizational structure and enumerating the decisions based on the objectives of the organization (Pettigrew 2014). People Negotiating and Making Decisions The people negotiate over the decisions taken by the organization in order to enhance the effects of the decision. The decisions form the integral part of the organizational success and therefore it is the need of the organization to undertake proper decisions for their growth. The sessions that were being taken in the third week has led to the knowledge of the importance of the negotiations that are being taken by the organizations management team in order to address the effectiveness of the organization (Anderson et al. 2015). Organizations consider the need of the formulation of the plans in order to make sure that the plans are implemented in their correct forms. The proper implementation of the plans helps the organization in undertaking the changes more effectively. Therefore, proper planning procedures must be undertaken by the organization and judged over by negotiation in order to determine the effectiveness of the plans. Negotiations helps in determining the differences between the good and the great and therefore, organizations undertake negotiations before formulating and implementing a plan. It is based on the effectiveness of the plan, which ensures the change that is being undertaken by the organization. Negotiations while taking a decision helps in reducing the risks that might be faced by the organization during its growing period (Hwang and Lin 2012). It helps in determining the serious aspects of the change and dealing with the changes that affects the systems of the organization. The changes in the mindset of the people and the varied perceptions help the organizations in making the most of the decisions taken by the organizations. Introduction to Probability and Uncertainty The probability is based on the assumptions that are being undertaken by the management in order to understand the important aspects of the decision and the effects of the decision on the organizational structure (Creswell 2013). The assumptions help in determining the risks that the organization might face while undertaking the change in the structure and the systems. The uncertainty of the decisions depends on the change that is being undertaken in the environment relating to which the organization plans its change. The sudden change might affect the progress of the organization and the plans that are being implemented on the organizational structure helps ion determining the progress of the organization in the market (Rios, McConnell and Brue 2013). The probability that is being undertaken by the organization while planning the change helps the organization in determining the risks that the organization might face. The probabilities help the organization in formulating contingency plans for the survival of the organization in times of a crisis. The session undertaken in the fourth week refereed to the different functions of the probabilities in determining the uncertain constraints (Oshima Lee and Emanuel 2013). The several outcomes of the decision are being determined through mean of the distribution, the variance and the standard variation and the coefficient of variation. It helps in determining the effectiveness of the decisions and the effective manner in which the decisions can be managed in order to bring in the changes in the structure of the organization (Gregory et al. 2012). Decision Trees and Simulations A decision tree helps in determining the steps in which the decision making of the organization is required in order to bring about the change. The changes that are being planned by the organization help in the survival of the organization in the market. The decision tree helps in the formulation of the strategies by the organizations in order to ensure the progress of the same (Velasquez and Hester 2013). The other aspects of the leadership help in determining the major changes that must be considered. The simulations on the other hand help in determining the concepts of the implementation of the decisions that are being undertaken by the organization. The most important steps that are being undertaken by the organization are based on the requirements of the organization to make its progress in the market. Simulations help in understanding the situations that the organization might face in the field. The simulations that were undertaken in the session shave helped in the understanding of the situations that the organization might face in a crisis. On the other hand, the decision tree helps in determining the phases where the decisions are to be taken for the betterment of the organization. The weeks session helped the students with an understanding of the decision tree and its implementation. It helps the organization in understanding the stages where decisions are to be made by the organization for the desired change. Simulations have helped in the understanding of the varied situations where the decisions are to be taken by the organizations. Heuristics, Biases and Methods for Eliciting Probabilities The proper implementation of the Heuristics in order to make a decision effective is an important measure that must be undertaken by the organizations. It helps in the efficient decision making systems of the organization based on the changes of the organization. The most important consideration undertaken by the organization is based on the probabilities of implementation of the ideas in the decision-making, which is being undertaken properly. The steps of undertaking the probability of the decision benefitting the organization are being undertaken through the mean of the distribution (Sharda et al. 2014). The statistical steps are being demonstrated in the weeks session with the view of understanding the steps that are being undertaken by the organization. The probable steps that are being formulated by the organizations helps in facilitating the change. The methods for eliciting the probabilities of the success depend on the calculations that the organization undertakes before taking the decision. It helps the organization in understanding the steps that the organization undertakes for bringing in the change. The probabilities help in enumerating the steps that are required by the organization for the gradual development. Risk, Uncertainty and Judgment Revision The risks that are involved while undertaking the change is an important factor that must be analyzed by the organization (Pomerol and Barba-Romero 2012). It helps in the decision-making of the organizations based on the requirements. In order to determine the risks that are involved in the process of managing the changes in the organizational systems, the organizations undertakes the usage of the probabilities. It helps in improving the functional abilities of the organizations progress. The decisions undertaken by the organizations are based on the clear insight of the risks involved in the process of the change (Saaty and Vargas 2012). The uncertainty and the risk that is involved in the decision making process of the organizations are based on the policies and the type of improvements required by the company to make its progress in the market. The weeks session helped in making the students aware of the risks that the organization assumes while formulating the decisions. The decisions help in the proper maintenance of the ideas and the implementation of the plans to avoid the situations of the risk and the uncertainty. The uncertainty that are faced by the organization helps in determining the progress that the company assumes to make through the decisions. The session is believed to help the students with the clear understanding of the risks that are involved in the process of undertaking the change. The uncertainty of the decisions is based on the aspects of the assumptions and the calculated probabilities that are being undertaken by the organizations. It helps the organization in making use of the decision tactically in bringing about the change. Scenario Planning The planning of the scenario is again another aspect that influences the effectiveness of the decision that is being taken by the organization. It helps in identifying the probable outcomes through the implementation of the strategies on the situations that might be faced b the organization. The firms, identifies the different scenarios in the market and determine the discrepancies. Secondly, they determine the similarity of the current strategy of the firma with the scenario that they propose (Savikhin and Sheremeta 2013). The similarity in the scenario and the strategy of the organization helps the organization in choosing the correct options from the rest. Decision is all about making the right choice. Therefore, the interrelation of the strategy with the scenario helps the organization in undertaking the decision in favor of the organization. It helps the organization in making the correct choice. The scenario planning session helped the students in understanding the organizations assumption of the budget in order to undertake the change. The budget helps the organization in making the right decision. Therefore, it is an important part of the planning process of the organization relating to its progress. The planned session has enumerated ways in which the organization can plan its scenario based on the strategies. Scenario planning is different from the strategic planning of the organizational growth (Conroy and Peterson 2013). The strategic planning analyzes the trends and focuses on prophesying the changes that the organization might meet in the long run. On the other hand, the scenario planning involves both of the elements of strategic planning in order to enhance the organizations capability of meeting the big changes in the market. It helps in determining the major changes and thereby helps in the adaptability of the organization to the change. The session has helped in the understanding of the strategic analysis and the forecasting under the broad terms of scenario planning. Framing the decision is an important step the organization undertakes in order to make its progress in the market. The most important consideration undertaken by the organizations are based on the criteria of the change in order to make the company sustainable in the market (Griffin 2013). The decisions taken by the organizations help in determining the objective of the organizations and thereby frame their decisions accordingly. In order to undertake a decision, the organization follows certain steps. The steps help in understanding the requirements of the organization as a whole. In this weeks session the students were taught about determining the information from the past decisions and identifying the flaws that made the company to undertake the change. After the recognition of the flaws, the priority of the actions that are being taken by the organization helps in understanding the situation of the organization and sequencing the actions in a continuous basis (Eweje, Turner and Mller 2012). Even before taking the rightful decisions, the organizations are required to assume a timeline for the change to affect the structure of the organization. Identifying the risks and the appropriate human resource helps in framing the decision that is being undertaken by the organization for anticipating the change in its structure. The session helped the students in understanding the different concepts that are being undertaken while undertaking the framing of the decisions. The market considerations of the organization help the organization in choosing the rightful decis ions for the change. Decision Support Mechanisms The decision support mechanism or the decision support system is an information system that helps the organizations in taking the rightful decisions for the growth and expansion of the business kin the market (Schneeweiss 2012). The consideration undertaken by the information system is based on the research of the market that is being undertaken by the system. It helps the organizations in understanding the changes that they must adhere to in order to sustain their business in the market (Janssen 2012). It helps in the mid and higher management in undertaking the plans of masking their progress in the market. The decision support systems can be computerized, human-powered or the combination of both the forces. The information system helps in determining the effective decision making of the organization and ensures the organizational success in the long run. The students who attended the weeks session were taught of the implications and applications of the information system and the manner in which the mechanism helps in the proper decision making of the organization (McAfee, Brynjolfsson and Davenport 2012). The tutors undertook several practical situations where the information system can be applied and thereby bring about changes in the decision making of the organization. The effective decision making of the organization is based on the principles of the change that the organization requires in order to sustain in the market. Therefore, the students were made to solve demonstrative issues faced by certain organizations through the clear application of the information system. It helped in the proper understanding of the steps that are being undertaken by the organization for the progress (Haimes 2015). Implementation of the sessions The session s helped in the understanding of the issues that the organizations face while undertaking the decisions for the change. The solutions to resolve the problems are being gained through the experiences that the students acquired from the clear implementation of the rules and systems on the issues. The most important benefit that is being acquired from the sessions is the clear understanding of the step that are being evaluated before taking a decision in the favor of the organization. It helped in the understanding of the issues and the solutions and applications. The sessions have helped me in understanding the issues faced by the organizations while undertaking a decision. It has helped me in applying the solutions to the issues faced by my organization and thereby resolve the issues efficiently. The most important aspect that I have learnt from the sessions is based on the factors of determining the situations and thereby implements the ideas of the decision. The decision that is being taken by me is based on the organizational objectives as the goals of the organization helps in understanding the required actions to support the decision of the organization. On the other hand, the sessions have also helped me in undertaking probabilities that will support the systems of the decisions undertaken for the progress of the organization. In order to ensure the requirements of the organizations the negotiations are being undertaken by the people in the organization. The negotiations help in determining the proper decision making of the organization. The most important consideration undertaken by the organization is adhering to the requirements of the organization to change based on the market structure. The sessions have helped me in understanding the situations and elicit the probabilities in order to determine the risk that is being involved in the progress of the organization. The issues faced by the organization based on the advancements are being determined through the decision tree, which helps in the clear understanding of the stages where the decisions are required to be taken by the organization. On the other hand, the practical usage of the decision-making mechanisms has helped me in improving the information system of the organization. It has helped me in understanding the flaws that constrains the growth and expansion of the organization. Determining the risks and the uncertainties that the organization might face while undertaking the change is again another important step that the session enumerated. I was benefitted from the session on the basis of the enhancement of my understanding of the risk factors that the company faces while undertaking the change. The change that is planned by the organizations is based on the criteria of the issues faced by the organization and the uncertainty that the organizations holds of implementing the change on the organizational structure. The other aspect that is being covered by the sessions relating to the planning of the scenario helps in determining the position of the organization in the market. It also helps in determining the risks that the organizations are sure to face in the market. It has helped me in enumerating the risks that are being faced by my organization and undertake the scenario planning effectively based on the strategies of the organization. References Anderson, D.R., Sweeney, D.J., Williams, T.A., Camm, J.D. and Cochran, J.J., 2015. An introduction to management science: quantitative approaches to decision making. Cengage learning. Conroy, M.J. and Peterson, J.T., 2013. Decision making in natural resource management: a structured, adaptive approach. John Wiley Sons. 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